have miraculous capabilities and that is why they are geniuses.
younger a human being is, the greater is his / her ability to learn. Many parents do not know that the miraculous
capabilities of a newborn disappear rapidly if unattended to. Not just parents but teachers are also
unaware of this fact and they overlook this important early Childhood period
and let it slip away.
eight years of age, the special aptitudes virtually disappear completely. Six is the age when they become fixed or stationary. Therefore, whatever has been well learnt and
cultivated in the child before the age of six, remains with the child
throughout his / her life. Be it
reading, writing, maths, science, general knowledge, discipline, values or
anything for that matter.
points also hold the answer to the question about what we can do to positively
influence the development of the child’s brain.
more stimulation we provide to the child’s brain and the more experience we
create for the child, the better the development of the brain. In fact, stimulation and experience is
critical to optimize child’s growth and development.
Newer findings in the field of brain research emphasize the need for
such stimulation and sensory programs for Babies and recommend mothers to be
the most active facilitators. Further
to this Neuroscientists and researchers add that the stimulation and experience
be provided from the time the baby is in the womb.
the key to unlock the child’s potential and the right time to start training #babies
is from Day Zero. How well you, as parents provide an opportunity and what kind
of exposure you give to your child will determine his or her success, not just
in school but also in the journey of life.
know more about whole Brain Development Training and Multiple Intelligence programs
for Babies log on to MySmartBaby
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